My Odometer

Upcoming Races

February 28, 2011

February 2011

February 2011 - The Month in Review

Total Mileage: 42
February 2010 Total Mileage: 50 :(
Total Workouts: 15 (plus a LOT of shoveling, again...mostly the first week)
 February 2010 Total Workouts: 16
Average Miles/Run: 2.8
February 2010 Miles/Run: 3.125
Calories Burned: 8608
February 2010 Calories Burned: 8623 (hmmm...that's pretty close)
Again, I won't get into net calories...

Longest Run: 4.05 miles on 2/20 and 2/26/11
Fastest Pace: 9:06/mile over 2 miles on 2/14/11

Weight January 31: 240
Weight February 28: 240

Well, at least I didn't gain anything, right?

Total blog posts February 2011 - 1 (this one...I've gotta do better).

Total 2011 miles by Feb. 28 - 81.14
Total 2010 miles by Feb. 28 - 70 (and finally, we're ahead of the game!)

This month has been very tough.  The first week was spent clearing the roof of snow, and dealing with more horrible winter weather.  That Saturday, we moved my SiL to her new digs.  That Sunday was the Superbowl.  That was 2/6, and the date of my first run of the month.  In the last 9 days I have 1 less run than in the previous 19.  That's my February in a nutshell.


Brandt Schneider February 28, 2011 at 9:08 PM  

To put things in perspective you are way ahead of me.

Total Donuts Burned

There is nothing that will not bend to hard work.

Cheeseburgers Burned

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