My Odometer

Upcoming Races

May 16, 2011

Races...we've got races...

Over the past two days, I've really been trying to fill up my summer dance card.  The past two years, I've run the half marathon and 10k at Simsbury, CT's annual Iron Horse races.  The first year, I wanted to do the half to gauge my readiness for a full the following October.  Last year, I ran the 10k in humidity straight out of the bayou, because mMiL said it was a great race.  The year before had been a crisp, warm day...last year, we had a thunderstorm.  To finish off the trifecta of races at the event, I decided to run the 5k this year.  Honestly, my only motivation for this race is to have all three color bibs on my bulletin board at the end of the school  year.  To top it off, the little girl will make her race debut in a 50m fun run.  She's been training for a few weeks now, and is really working with her strength coach and massage therapists to set a tremendous PR for a 3 year old.

In addition to this race, I signed up for my vacation race.  Since I've been married, we've been going to mooch off of my in-laws in their annual trip to the Cape.  That's been 6 summers so far.  I can't remember if I've run races in 4 or 5 of them.  To date, I've run two or 3 Brew Runs from The Woodshed on Rt. 6A in Brewster, MA.  I've also finished the Falmouth Road Race in what may have been my best race...ever.  Then, in a bizarro twist of calendar fates, the first weekend we're away was suddenly a week earlier (I'm assuming it's the first weekend in August, and something is screwy).  So, I signed up for a charming little race run from the Cape's "only" Irish Pub.  The course is interesting, going over rivers, through cranberry bogs, and in and out of woodlands.  It was a nice enough race, and though last year it was REALLY hot, I enjoyed it enough to sign up again.

I love the Brew Run, because it starts at 4 or 5 in the afternoon, and ends with a party.  Falmouth was more hectic, but just as festive...only like Manchester, I was taking part in the parade, and the people on the sidelines were the view.  There's nothing like running by lighthouses and windmills to create a unique running experience.  Some day, I hope to run both again.  Until then, I'm happy going to the Pub's a good time.

With that being said, I'm scouring looking for a few more races to fill my summer dance card.  I don't want to travel more than half an hour.  I'm being picky, but there's tons to choose from.  If you've done any of the races listed during mid-June, July, or the end of August, let me know what you think.  Eventually, I'll figure it out.  Until then, I'll just keep chugging along...


S May 17, 2011 at 9:31 AM  

There's a 5K/10K in your own hometown this coming Sunday. I may be wrong, but the 5K appears to be the MS Walk Short Route, and the 10K appears to be most of the MS Walk Long Route, though apparently at one point, you cut back to the short route street (must be how they make up the extra mile of the course). So for the most part, you already know the course.

Just saying.

S May 17, 2011 at 9:36 AM  

Whoops, I lie. The 5K is still the MS Walk Short Route, but the 10K doesn't actually go on the trail; it goes one street past the trail. Plus, according to the website, it says that there is more of a combination of hills/flats in the 10K, whereas the 5K is mostly flat (though, there is the hill at the beginning and shortly before the end...probably between 3K and 4K).

C May 17, 2011 at 10:59 AM  

Yeah, I know, but no races until the Iron Horse. That's opening day for me.

S May 17, 2011 at 11:33 AM  

Not sure when that is, but you did say mid-June on. There's another 5K in Derby to support St. Mary-St. Michael School on L's birthday (Saturday, June 25th). The majority of that run appears to be on the Derby Trail.

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