Here's the deal: Since September 6, I have been back teaching school, and leading a hectic existence. Since December 24, I have been a father of two, and leading an even more hectic existence. Something had to give. It was either the running or the blogging. Since running is good for me, and nobody truly reads this, I chose the blogging.
Here are my updates, to let you know, I am truly alive.
For 2011, I ran a grand total of 785 miles. That was 185 miles more than 2010, or a full 30% increase in mileage. That was pretty impressive for me, as the 600 miles in 2010 had been my best annual mileage prior to 2011. More importantly, I made my resolution, and exceeded it by 35 miles.
Since 2012 has begun, I have continued running. In fact, I have exceeded my January and February 2011 mileage totals for each of the first two months of this year.
Jan. 2011 Miles: 39
Jan. 2012 Miles: 51
% increase: 30.7
Feb. 2011 Miles: 42
Feb. 2012 Miles: 49
% increase: 14.9
2011 YTD Mileage: 81
2012 YTD Mileage: 100
YTD Mileage increase: 19
YTD % increase: 23.4
Those are all improvements if I've ever seen them. However, there is always the weight resolution. When I went to my doctor in January, I had lost another 4 pounds since June. That was great. It was a 12 pound decrease for the year. I had been lower at the start of the school year.
So, how are things in March?
Feb. 28, 2011 weight: 240
March 1, 2012 weight: 233
% Change: -3
I guess I can say I've done something right, but I've been hovering around there for a few months.
Meanwhile, it's time to start racing, again. Last year, I avoided races until June. However, this year, I decided to run a few races prior to this. My first race is this Saturday Sunday. It is the Shamrock-N-Roll 5k, sponsored by WPLR. The course will begin at the legendary Toad's Place, and is run past Yale, up and down Temple St. and Whitney Ave. in New Haven. What's cool is, I think we'll even pass a Torosaurus Latus, at the good old Peabody Museum.
I have barely run this week, because running has been a struggle the past two weeks. Last Friday, I hit up the chiropractic wizard, known as Dr. J. Saturday, I had a massage. I still feel wrong, so I shut down after Monday's work, hoping I could make a race out of Sunday. Regardless of what happens, the weather looks great for a run, and I can see some of my favorite architecture and points of interest in a city I don't get to spend enough time in these days.
Hope the baby sleeps well on Saturday night/Sunday morning, because I'm on duty. See you at the finish line...
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