My Odometer

Upcoming Races

July 19, 2012


With our Cape Cod vacation about 3 weeks early, my summer training is a little off-kilter than July has gone over the past four years or so. We have had het waves over the past four weeks with intermittent cool periods. My times are off. Still, when we get to the beach, I like to run. I also like to race during vacation.

This Saturday, the wife and I are entered into the Cape Cod 5k Championship. It sounds bigger than it really it is. This is a fundraiser for the local public library. Still, I have loved the five previous races I have run on the Cape. It is a great way to see sights. The breezes off the ocean are fantastic, and locals usually run their sprinklers and hoses to help the runners.

I don't think this is going to be a big race. I am feeling healthy. And, I have my goal (a new PR...sub-25). Knock on wood, the weather and race will be ideal. It is one big loop, past the ocean, with minimal elevation changes. Temps will be in the high 60s or low 70s. Knock on wood, I will do my best and exit healthy.

I am really excited and nervous for this race. Cannot wait.


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