There was more snow today. This storm had been looming for about a week. I had hoped it would pass us. Since it was Friday, my regular off day, I didn't miss any running. By now, 8:15 PM, the roads are fairly clear. I should be able to get in 5 or so miles in the morning.
What's a major bummer is the affect this is going to have on my summer mileage. Today brought my school year to June 28. I'll deal fine with the heat in the building. I'm more concerned about my mileage. I have no grandiose race plans, but the summer is a great time to amp up my mileage.
The last two years, we've ended the school year in mid-June. We haven't gone back until after Labor Day. That has provided an excellent window for dedicated training. I'm not sure what I'll get this year.
I'd like to maintain my mileage, if at all possible. I'd also like to do more cross-training. This is something I think most years at this time. It rarely, if ever happens. Still, I've decided to think smaller for that than in recent years. I've also considered the Cross-Fit joint nearby. It's a lot closer than driving all the way to school three times a week. Additionally, I've been getting Men's Health by mistake for the past few months. I'm really not a fan (I'm also getting Outdoor Living, even though I haven't subscribed to either). The "quick & easy" workouts seem to be what I know I can get myself to do this year.
Track starts in 10 days. Finding time to run will be difficult, soon enough. C'est la vie. I'll make it through. I always do.
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