My Odometer

Upcoming Races

September 30, 2013


I guess I'll never let you know about my 14 miler.  It went well, but it was over a month ago.  I can't recall the details any more.  However, the thing that got me (and actually stuck in my head) was the weird playlist.  This is what I was provided with when I went with random internet radio.  Mind you, I put in "rock" as my criteria.  Nothing about this playlist is rock, it seems. (I also mowed the lawn after the run, so some songs were from that)

As for September, I'm a whopping 25 miles behind last year.  Two years ago I was pumped at this time of year because I had hit 600 miles for the year.  Last year, I cruised past that.  This year, I'm already at 647.  What a difference a year (or two) makes.  Can't find the information from September over the past few years.  I do know a few things.

September 2012: 120
September 2013: 85

  • 2012 - 693
  • 2013 - 647

While I've fallen off pace, I have confidence I've got a chance to catch up in October and November.  Last year, I put in a total of 117 miles in those two months.  That included 1 marathon.  So, for all my other runs, I did 90ish miles in two months.  I can handle that, and start closing the gap.  I'll by no means match last year's mileage, but it'll still be a great year.

2 weeks until the half marathon in Hartford.  This will be my 3rd time running it.  I hope to break 2 hours.  Here goes nothing.


Total Donuts Burned

There is nothing that will not bend to hard work.

Cheeseburgers Burned

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